第一部では、慶應義塾大学名誉教授、元国務大臣の竹中 平蔵先生に
第二部では、国立研究開発法人 国立がん研究センター理事長の中釜 斉先生に「日本の治療薬及び新規モダリティー開発上の課題と現状」についてご講演をいただきました。
Zoomとのハイブリッド方式で定期的に勉強会を開催しています。 第1回から第14回までのGHIC勉強会の当日プログラムはこちらです。
~The hub for providing social benefits through new healthcare innovations in Japan~
Japan is one of the most rapidly ageing society and requires new innovations within the healthcare system. While we have outstanding capacity for the healthcare technological developments, the improvement of international competitiveness of clinical trials and studies and the development of the new healthcare technologies have become more vital in recent years. We expect our new technologies to promote the life expectancy and the quality of life of people in Japan and will be expanding our innovation to abroad in future. However, this would come at the expense of a sharp increase in healthcare expenditure.
We, The Foundation for Global Health Care, are going to establish the nextgeneration healthcare creation hub. We believe in supporting and enabling people to live their lives in society at their optimum health. Our “ Global Health Innovation Center” will act as a hub to contribute to the development of global healthcare through medicotechnological innovations.
The center is an integration of many innovative services linked by artificial brain intelligence (ABI). It consists of hospitals specializing in development of clinical trials and studies, the postgraduate research institute’s laboratory, the facilities for the elderly utilizing advanced healthcare technologies, the healthcare clinics, the residential services and the other commercial services. We believe that GHIC’s cutting-edge healthcare system and the technologies will contribute to improving the health of people in the world.
The share of global healthcare market is currently estimated at 778 trillion yen, and the domestic healthcare at 45 trillion yen. By 2022, this is expected to grow to 1,278 trillion yen and 70 trillion yen respectively.
GHIC will be located in the national strategy zone of Tokyo area readily accessible to Haneda Airport and many other public transports. This enables patients and the oversea companies to have convenient access to the facility. It will also strengthen its functions by establishing National Science Department (GHNSC) and Communication Department (GHCC). The “Bio Intelligent Community” will promote wide-range of international cooperation with Asian and European countries with a view to overseas development.
GHIC ultimately aims to contribute to the social development and prosperity.